Loss's fool
It is a simplifier,
It brings focus, clarity,
Streaming through
Open windows
After murky dullness,
That which is there.
It is a separator,
A divider
Of the greys
Into clear, hardened,
Black and white stripes,
Strong, strident.
It is a map,
A signpost,
A cold illustrator
Of that which has been
And that which is now,
A destroyer it seems
That will paint every aspect,
Every shade, every detail
Of that which is gone and wave it
In your face
So that it hurts, hurts, hurts.
This is what I loved about her,
This is who she was.
This is what I loved about her,
This is what she gave.
This is what I loved about him,
This is what is so so missed,
And yet again
This is who I was then,
This is where I stood,
This is who I was then.
This is what I dreamed of,
This is who I was then,
This is what I so so longed for.
It is a thief,
It seems,
And yet not so,
For it can only steal
That to which we are attached,
Can only hurt
When we are clinging.
A tough teacher,
A cruel one?
Well, I don't know,
I don't know,
Who am I to say?
It strips away pieces of your life,
Bringing havoc,
Then turns and asks of you,
“Who are you now
And is there anything
Left of you?
And I have no answers.
I have none still.
I take the crown,
It seizes it back.
I take the crown,
It seizes it back.
I take the crown
And it sits on its throne
Mocking me.
Well, almost...
Once I used to dance
Under full moon tree,
Used to dangle my feet
In Loch Lomond breeze.
Once I'd make my daisy chains
Under too-hot sun,
Seemingly impervious,
By it all.
And now, now
I must admit
I am nothing more,
Nothing less,
It seems,
Than loss's fool.