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The compassionate breath
The compassionate breath
Sees it all,
Knows it all,
Accepts it all,
And judges none of it.
Breathe it in,
To your lungs,
To your heart,
To your bones,
To your very being.
Stand back
And watch it,
Expect nothing from it
As it
Sees and allows,
Sees and allows,
And in doing so
The compassionate breath
Has known,
The suffering of all beings,
Through all of time,
And yet it offers itself,
Breath after breath,
Without fear,
Without hesitation,
With indescribable generosity,
Time after time.
How exquisite
Is the capacity,
The potential,
For compassion,
And how rare.
Stand back in awe
And nurture it,
For sometimes
It is
All that we have left.
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